Healing Sessions
for Mind, Body, & Spirit
Chinese Medicine offers so many tools - acupuncture, herbs, hands-on and hands-off healing, gemstones, etc. - that it can truly handle any health concern. From acute pain and allergies all the way to auto-immune disease management and C-PTSD, Dr. Catherine has been healing clients with compassion ad skill for over 20 years.
"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."
- Lao Tzu, Dao De Jing
Health Consultation - via Telehealth
This 50 - 60 minute session covers all current complaints and medical history, with a thorough starter plan to start transforming your health. Fees include any referrals to area providers and email follow-ups to ensure your needs are being met with ease.
New & returning clients $125
Qigong Healing - via Telehealth
This 50 - 60 minute session helps identify and manage the root cause of any dis-ease, by journeying through the initial layers with breath, movement, and guided touch. Self-care dietary and herb suggestions are included, as well as other recommendations.
Returning client $125